
Three ways to install H5Z-ZFP are provided. These are

For both generic make and CMake, you are responsible for also installing (or knowing where the installations are) the dependencies, ZFP and HDF5. For Spack installations, Spack will handle installation of dependencies as well.

Installing via Generic (GNU) Make

H5Z-ZFP installation supports both vanilla (GNU) Make (described below) as well as CMake.

Compiling ZFP

  • There is a Config file in top-level directory of the ZFP distribution that holds make variables the ZFP Makefiles use. By default, this file is setup for a vanilla GNU compiler. If this is not the appropriate compiler, edit Config as necessary to adjust the compiler and compilation flags.
  • An important flag you will need to adjust in order to use the ZFP library with this HDF5 filter is the BIT_STREAM_WORD_TYPE CPP flag. To use ZFP with H5Z-ZFP, the ZFP library must be compiled with BIT_STREAM_WORD_TYPE of uint8. Typically, this is achieved by including a line in Config of the form DEFS += -DBIT_STREAM_WORD_TYPE=uint8. If you attempt to use this filter with a ZFP library compiled differently from this, the filter’s can_apply method will always return false. This will result in silently ignoring an HDF5 client’s request to compress data with ZFP. Also, be sure to see Endian Issues.
  • After you have setup Config, simply run make and it will build the ZFP library placing the library in a lib sub-directory and the necessary include files in inc[lude] sub-directory.
  • For more information and details, please see the ZFP README.

Compiling HDF5

  • If you want to be able to run the fortran tests for this filter, HDF5 must be configured with both the --enable-fortran and --enable-fortran2003 configuration switches. Otherwise, any vanilla installation of HDF5 is acceptable.
  • The Fortran interface to this filter requires a Fortran 2003 compiler because it uses ISO_C_BINDING to define the Fortran interface.
  • If you are using HDF5-1.12 and wish to use the filter as a library (see Plugin vs. Library Operation), you may need configure HDF5 with --disable-memory-alloc-sanity-check to work around a memory management issue in HDF5.

Compiling H5Z-ZFP

H5Z-ZFP is designed to be compiled both as a standalone HDF5 plugin and as a separate library an application can explicitly link. See Plugin vs. Library Operation.

Once you have installed the prerequisites, you can compile H5Z-ZFP using a command-line…

make [FC=<Fortran-compiler>] CC=<C-compiler> \
    ZFP_HOME=<path-to-zfp> HDF5_HOME=<path-to-hdf5> \

where <path-to-zfp> is a directory containing ZFP inc[lude] and lib dirs and <path-to-hdf5> is a directory containing HDF5 include and lib dirs. If you don’t specify a C compiler, it will try to guess one from your path. Fortran compilation is optional. If you do not specify a Fortran compiler, it will not attempt to build the Fortran interface. However, if the variable FC is already defined in your environment (as in Spack for example), then H5Z-ZFP will attempt to build Fortran. If this is not desired, the solution is to pass an empty FC on the make command line as in…

make FC= CC=<C-compiler> \
    ZFP_HOME=<path-to-zfp> HDF5_HOME=<path-to-hdf5> \

The Makefile uses GNU Make syntax and is designed to work on OSX and Linux. The filter has been tested on gcc, clang, xlc, icc and pgcc compilers and checked with valgrind.

The command make help will print useful information about various make targets and variables. make check will compile everything and run a handful of tests.

If you don’t specify a PREFIX, it will install to ./install. The installed package will look like…


where $(PREFIX) resolves to whatever the full path of the installation is.

To use the installed filter as an HDF5 plugin, you would specify, for example, setenv HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH $(PREFIX)/plugin

Installing via CMake

It is possible to build the H5Z-ZFP filter using the CMake build system. To use CMake for H5Z-ZFP, it is necessary to have also built ZFP with CMake. This is necessary to get the correct dependencies from ZFP. For example, it is possible to build ZFP with OpenMP support. The resulting CMake config files of ZFP build will make sure that this OpenMP dependency is correctly propagated to the build of H5Z-ZFP filter. However, for HDF5 it is not necessary to build it with its CMake build system but it is strongly recommended.

ZFP must have been configured with BIT_STREAM_WORD_TYPE of uint8 as described above.

Similar as for the Makefile installation, the CMake build system is designed such it compiles both the standalone HDF5 plugin and a separate library an application can explicitly link. See Plugin vs. Library Operation

Once both HDF5 and ZFP have been installed, H5Z-ZFP can be compiled using a command=line…

export HDF5_DIR=<path-to_hdf5>
export ZFP_DIR=<path-to-zfp-config>
CC=<C-compiler> FC=<Fortran-compiler> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-install> <src-dir>

where <path-to-zfp-config> is a directory containing zfp-config.cmake and <path-to-hdf5> is a directory containing HDF5 include and lib directories. Furthermore, src-dir is the directory where the H5Z-ZFP source is located and path-to-install is the directory in which the resulting plugin and library will be installed. Once cmake has finished successfully, you can build and install the filter using the command…

make install

This cmake and make combination builds both the C and Fortran interface. In the case you want to specify the <path-to-hdf5> and <path-to-zfp>> via command-line to CMake, the command looks like this…

CC=<C-compiler> FC=<Fortran-compiler> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-install>
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<path-tohdf5>;<path-to-zfp>" <src-dir>


The double quotes in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH expression are necessary to make sure that semicolon is interpreted as a semicolon instead of a new command.

It is possible to build the filter without the Fortran interface. This is done as follows…

export HDF5_DIR=<path-to_hdf5>
export ZFP_DIR=<path-to-zfp>
CC=<C-compiler> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-install> -DFORTRAN_INTERFACE:BOOL=OFF <src-dir>

followed by the same make command…

make install

Including H5Z-ZFP filter in a CMake project

Suppose you have built the H5Z-ZFP filter using the CMake build system and installed it in <path-to-h5z_zfp>. To include it in another CMake project is done using the following steps. First edit the CMakeLists.txt by adding the following two lines…

cmake_policy(SET CMP0028 NEW) # Double colon in target name means ALIAS or IMPORTED target.
find_package(H5Z_ZFP 1.0.1 CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(<target> h5z_zfp::h5z_zfp)

where <target> in the target within the CMake project. This could be, for example, an executable or library. Furthermore, check if the cmake version is equal or greater than 3.9. Next, you need to make sure that the filter can be found by CMake, followed by cmake itself and make

export H5Z_ZFP_DIR=<path-to-h5z_zfp>
CC=<C-compiler> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-install> <src-dir>
make install

The cmake command itself could be different depending on the CMake project you have created. If you want to make use of the H5Z-ZFP library instead of the plugin, change cmake variable H5Z_ZFP_USE_STATIC_LIBS to ON and build the project.

Installing via Spack

If you already have experience with Spack, one way to install H5Z-ZFP is to use the command spack install h5z-zfp. If you do not have Spack installed, it is easy to install. Assuming you are working in a Bash shell…:

git clone
cd spack
git checkout releases/v0.20
. ./share/spack/
spack install h5z-zfp


It is important to work from a released branch of Spack. The command git checkout releases/v0.20 ensures this. If a newer release of Spack is available, by all means feel free to use it. Just change the v0.20 to indicate the release of the Spack you want. The command git branch -r | grep releases will produce a list of the available release branches.

If you are using a version of Spack very much older than the release of H5Z-ZFP you intend to use, you may have to pin various versions of H5Z-ZFP, ZFP and/or HDF5. This is done by using Spack’s @ modifier to specify versions. For example, to pin the version of the ZFP library to 0.5.5, the Spack command would look like:

spack install h5z-zfp ^zfp@0.5.5

To use the develop version of H5Z-ZFP with version 1.10.6 of HDF5

spack install h5z-zfp@develop ^hdf5@1.10.6

By default, H5Z-ZFP will attempt to build with Fortran support which requires a Fortran compiler. If you wish to exclude support for Fortran, use the command:

spack install h5z-zfp~fortran

Spack packages can sometimes favor the use of dependencies you may not need. For example, the HDF5 package favors the use of MPI. Since H5Z-ZFP depends on HDF5, this behavior will then create a dependency of H5Z-ZFP on MPI. To avoid this, you can force Spack to use a version of HDF5 without MPI. In the example command below, we force Spack to not use MPI with HDF5 and to not use OpenMP with ZFP:

spack install h5z-zfp~fortran ^hdf5~mpi~fortran ^zfp~openmp

This can have the effect of substantially reducing the number of dependencies Spack winds up having to build (from 35 in one case to 10) in order to install H5Z-ZFP which, in turn, speeds up the install process.


Spack will build H5Z-ZFP and all of its dependencies including the HDF5 library as well as a number of other dependencies you may not initially expect. Be patient and let the build complete. It may take as much as an hour.

In addition, by default, Spack installs packages to directory hashes within the cloned Spack repository’s directory tree, $spack/opt/spack. You can find the resulting installed HDF5 library with the command spack find -vp hdf5 and the resulting H5Z-ZFP plugin installation with the command spack find -vp h5z-zfp. If you wish to exercise more control over how and where Spack installs, have a look at configuring Spack

H5Z-ZFP Source Code Organization

The source code is in two separate directories

  • src includes the ZFP filter and a few header files

    • H5Zzfp_plugin.h is an optional header file applications may wish to include because it contains several convenient macros for easily controlling various compression modes of the ZFP library (rate, precision, accuracy, expert) via the Generic Interface.
    • H5Zzfp_props.h is a header file that contains functions to control the filter using temporary Properties Interface. Fortran callers are required to use this interface.
    • H5Zzfp_lib.h is a header file for applications that wish to use the filter explicitly as a library rather than a plugin.
    • H5Zzfp.h is an all-of-the-above header file for applications that don’t care too much about separating out the above functionalities.
  • test includes various tests. In particular test_write.c includes examples of using both the Generic Interface and Properties Interface. In addition, there is an example of how to use the filter from Fortran in test_rw_fortran.F90.

Silo Integration

This filter (H5Zzfp.c) is also built-in to the Silo library. In particular, the ZFP library itself is also embedded in Silo but is protected from appearing in Silo’s global namespace through a struct of function pointers (see Namespaces in C). If you happen to examine the source code here for H5Z-ZFP, you will see some logic here that is specific to using this plugin within Silo and dealing with ZFP as an embedded library using this struct of function pointers wrapper. In the source code for H5Z-ZFP this manifests as something like what is shown in the code snippet below…

    switch (ndims_used)
        case 1: dummy_field = Z zfp_field_1d(0, zt, dims_used[0]); break;
        case 2: dummy_field = Z zfp_field_2d(0, zt, dims_used[1], dims_used[0]); break;
        case 3: dummy_field = Z zfp_field_3d(0, zt, dims_used[2], dims_used[1], dims_used[0]); break;
#if ZFP_VERSION_NO >= 0x0540
        case 4: dummy_field = Z zfp_field_4d(0, zt, dims_used[3], dims_used[2], dims_used[1], dims_used[0]); break;
#if ZFP_VERSION_NO < 0x0530
        default: H5Z_ZFP_PUSH_AND_GOTO(H5E_PLINE, H5E_BADVALUE, 0,
                     "chunks may have only 1...3 non-unity dims");
        default: H5Z_ZFP_PUSH_AND_GOTO(H5E_PLINE, H5E_BADVALUE, 0,
                     "chunks may have only 1...4 non-unity dims");

In the code snippet above, note the funny Z in front of calls to various methods in the ZFP library. When compiling H5Z-ZFP normally, that Z normally resolves to the empty string. But, when the code is compiled with -DAS_SILO_BUILTIN (which is supported and should be done only when H5Zzfp.c is being compiled within the Silo library and next to a version of ZFP that is embedded in Silo) that Z resolves to the name of a struct and struct-member dereferencing operator as in zfp.. There is a similar B used for a similar purpose ahead of calls to ZFP’s bitstream library. This is something to be aware of and to adhere to if you plan to contribute any code changes here.