
It is possible to build the H5Z-ZFP filter using the CMake build system. If you decide to do so, please build ZFP also with its CMake build system. This is necessary to get the correct dependencies from ZFP. For example, it is possible to build ZFP with OpenMP support. The resulting CMake config files of ZFP build will make sure that this OpenMP dependency is correctly propagated to the build of H5Z-ZFP filter. However, for HDF5 it is not necessary to build it with its CMake build system but it is strongly recommended.

Compiling H5Z-ZFP

Similar as for the Makefile installation, the CMake build system is designed such it compiles both the standalone HDF5 plugin and a separate library an application can explicitly link. See Plugin vs. Library Operation

Once you have installed both HDF5 and ZFP, you can compile H5Z-ZFP using a command=line…

export HDF_DIR=<path-to_hdf5>
export ZFP_DIR=<path-to-zfp>
CC=<C-compiler> FC=<Fortran-compiler> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-install> <src-dir>

where <path-to-zfp> is a directory containing ZFP inc[lude] and lib directories and <path-to-hdf5> is a directory containing HDF5 include and lib directories. Furthermore, src-dir is the directory where the source is located and path-to-install is the directory in which the resulting plugin and library will be installed. Once cmake has finished successfully, you can build and install the filter using the command…

make install

This cmake and make combination builds both the C and Fortran interface. In the case you want to specify the <path-to-hdf5> and <path-to-zfp>> via command-line to CMake, the command looks like this…

CC=<C-compiler> FC=<Fortran-compiler> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-install>
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<path-tohdf5>;<path-to-zfp>" <src-dir>

Please, notice the double quotes in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH expression. These are needed to make sure that semicolon is interpreted as a semicolon instead of a new command.

It is possible to build the filter without the Fortran interface. This is done as follows…

export HDF5_DIR=<path-to_hdf5>
export ZFP_DIR=<path-to-zfp>
CC=<C-compiler> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-install> -DFORTRAN_INTERFACE:BOOL=OFF <src-dir>

followed by the same make command…

make install

Including H5Z-ZFP filter in a CMake project

Suppose you have built the H5Z-ZFP filter using the CMake build system and installed it in <path-to-h5z_zfp>. To include it in another CMake project is done using the following steps. First edit the CMakeLists.txt by adding the following two lines…

cmake_policy(SET CMP0028 NEW) # Double colon in target name means ALIAS or IMPORTED target.
find_package(H5Z_ZFP 1.0.1 CONFIG)
target_link_libraries(<target> h5z_zfp::h5z_zfp)

where <target> in the target within the CMake project. This could be, for example, a executable or library. Furthermore, check if the cmake version is equal or greater than 3.9. Next, you need to make sure that the filter can be found by CMake, followed CMake itself and make…

export H5Z_ZFP_DIR=<path-to-h5z_zfp>
CC=<C-compiler> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path-to-install> <src-dir>
make install

The cmake command itself could be different depending on the CMake project you have created. If you want to make use of the H5Z_ZFP library instead of the plugin, change cmake variable H5Z_ZFP_USE_STATIC_LIBS to ON and build the project.